Bible and Spirit of Prophecy have predicted that the freedom that America and the rest of the world mainly Christian nations are fast coming to an end. The nation of America with the aid of Protestant churches will be at the forefront to change the principles of freedom of worship, into that of enforcement, and this is the creation of the image to the beast, that revelation has spoken about in other ways. It's the Protestant churches that fought so hard against the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic church lin collaboration with the American government which will revive the papacy. Today most Protestant churches have made apologies to the Catholic church for the reformation which occurred some five hundred years ago. All I can say is that we are the brink of major prophetic fulfillment, we just have to be ready. Historians often root the Reformation in various social, economic, and political conflicts, seeing people's decisions to become Protestant or remain Catholic as expressions of other, non-religious considerations. (There are good reasons for this approach.) When all is said and done, however, the Reformation was a battle over Christian doctrine. And so it is necessary, to begin with (pg, 323).