Reformers such as Luther and Calvin gave women the ability to divorce husbands, a right not previously given in the Renaissance. Women were also free to worship religions as they chose. These reformers still did not give full credit to the women and clergy positions were only held by men. The teaching that all people should read the Bible caused an acceptance of women reading the Bible for themselves: an ability not given before the Reformation. The view of higher standing women before the Reformation, as expressed in Castiglione's The Courtier, was that women are to be feminine, kind, subordinate to men, and that they only reason they should receive education was to entertain men. This principle was changed over time because women’s education in reading was faith-based and not a way to entertain men.
Reformers such as Luther and Calvin gave women the ability to divorce husbands, a right not previously given in the Renaissance. Women were also free to worship religions as they chose. These reformers still did not give full credit to the women and clergy positions were only held by men. The teaching that all people should read the Bible caused an acceptance of women reading the Bible for themselves: an ability not given before the Reformation. The view of higher standing women before the Reformation, as expressed in Castiglione's The Courtier, was that women are to be feminine, kind, subordinate to men, and that they only reason they should receive education was to entertain men. This principle was changed over time because women’s education in reading was faith-based and not a way to entertain men.