1 It helped set the stage because long distance trade was happening between east and west Asia already which brought the influence and beginning of silk roads.
2 The fine spices-cloves, nutmeg, mace, and cardamom came from Southeast Asia. Ginger came from China and Southeast Asia, pepper from India, and sesame oil from India, Arabia, and Southeast Asia. Central Asia produced large, strong horses and high-quality jade. The Roman Empire came glassware, jewelry, works of art, decorative items, perfumes, bronze goods, wool and linen textiles, pottery, iron tools, olive oil, wine, and gold and silver bullion.
3 The Silk Road facilitated the spread of all three religions since the Silk Road was a trade route. Although the Silk Road was made to trade only silk, many other things were traded in that road as well. All societies came together which because and during that, they took back Hinduism and Christian ideas, spreading them …show more content…
The theme system was a method of providing troops for the Byzantine army. It was introduced by the emperor Constans around 650 AD. Citizen farmers were given land to work in return for military service when required. The system was hereditary, so the citizens actually owned the land; however, the obligation for military service was also hereditary, but this meant that the empire had a constant supply of manpower for the military from generation to generation. As both the empire and the farmers were prosperous, the theme system allowed the Byzantines to put large, well equipped armies into the field. Each theme was able to produce 12,800 front line troops, and in 700 there were 10 themes for producing soldiers, and 3 for providing manpower for the navy. This meant the Byzantines could put over 120,000 well equipped troops in the field at any given time. The theme system started to decline from 963, when military reforms introduced by emperor Nikephoras II Phokas emphasized the role of the