The Spanish were greatly impacted by the discovery of a new continent, because it meant lots of things, such as the discovery of new species of animals and plants.
From the animals, like the jaguar or the piranha. Some of the plants were used to make medicines or simply to eat! We could name the achiote (an amazonian tree used to treat prostatic troubles and internal inflammations, arterial hypertension, high cholesterol level and bladder inflammation) and the chancapiedra (also amazonian, which gets rid of gall and kidney stones and treats other kidney problems) for medicinal plants. They also brought back to Spain the tobacco, back in 1559. As for edible plants, there is, the tomatoes the peanuts and …show more content…
the cocoa. The cocoa was offered to Cortes when he and the Spanish arrived at the Aztec kingdom. They called it techocolat, and initially was used as a currency exchange. Cortes managed to get hold of cacao beans and took them to Spain. In Spain, sugar was added, and before long, it turned a habit drinking it, even doctors recommended it for some illnesses. The Spanish court kept the elaboration of chocolate a state secret for a century, only the monks knew its formula because in lent, drinking chocolate wasn 't considered as to break the fast.
The potato was introduced one year later, in 1560 by Pedro Cieza de León. Unlike the tobacco and the cocoa, used by the high society, the potato at first was considered pig 's food.
This discoveries meant a demand for rare trade goods, which helped enrich the eastern civilisation which established the superiority of the East side of the world over the West side of the world. It also led to the progress of shipbuilding, navigation and trade.
New types of ships were created so that they could navigate through the Atlantic waters. The Spaniards had the most control over the trading routes, then eventually created a global market and spread their culture all around the world. Lots of Spaniards went to live to this newly discovered areas and made colonies. They established their control over these territories and began to rule over the natives.
Spain found in America a great source of wealth which led it to be the greatest empire. From America they exported especially precious metals, spices and other things. The Crown gained lots of riches, used to feed its huge army. But this wealth led to an increase in prices. Prices rose to 400%, this known as the price revolution. The Spanish debts because of the expansion and the maintenance of the Spanish Empire meant that the treasure was spent fastly, because they had to pay the loans from the Genoese and the German bankers, and the riches that didn 't go to the Genoese and German bankers were spent in jewels or in trading expensive goods.
The discovery of the New World (America) also influenced the way the Europeans thought about the world.
They got to the conclusion that the Bible, which was thought to have all the information about the world didn 't say any of this. New animals, plants, objects, new people were being introduced to Europe and the Bible didn 't say one bit about it. The people started to question religion, and began to wonder if religion gave really the answer to everything.
The Spanish imposed their culture and religion to the indigenous people. The Christian religion spread throughout the conquered territories, being introduced by the colonisers. The native americans were forced to convert to christianity by missionaries, which unlike colonisers or explorers, their sole objective was to introduce their religious beliefs.
The discovery of the Atlantic Ocean influenced the whole Europe because it provided a new trade route to the East. It soon became the most important sea route for trade. The Mediterranean and the Baltic routes which before were the top ones, suffered a decline due to this, and the Atlantic ports such as Sevilla or Lisbon became more important. Because of the expansion of trade the middle classes (burgeoisie) gained importance, and made huge profits which enabled them to free themselves of th feudal system. Trade and commerce gained more …show more content…
The Europeans created a triangular trade to get to each continent. From Europe they would go south to the African coasts, where they got slaves from and in return gave them goods like copper, cloth, beads and guns. From Africa they went to America, the New World. The slaves would be traded for sugar, tobacco or cotton before they would be brought to Europe.
Also, when they travelled to America, they lived in pretty bad conditions. As Ferdinand Magellan said, they ran out of supplies and fresh water, so they had to eat animal skins and drink their own urine. Rats were sold at half ducat, and sometimes they could not get them.
How it affected America.
The indigenous Americans were benefited by the introduction of many useful things, such as horses, which were a faster means of transport than the ones they used and was very helpful during hunting, axes made of metal that cut better than their stone ones.
Metal pots and copper kettles replaced the traditional gourd bowls and clay pots. The Spanish introduced wheat, coffee, sugar and olives. However, the thing that caused the most impression on the Americans was the gun. They could kill more animals for fur and food within less time and in an easier way.
As the negative part, the Spanish also brought with them diseases such as cholera or smallpox, which affected a lot to the native americans.
The Spaniards had grown used to those kinds of illnesses, and their inmune system was prepared to fight it off.
Besides, in those times, europeans lived around dirt and people got ill all the time, so they were used to it. The indigenous people didn 't get ill so often, and they ignored those diseases, so their inmune systems weren 't prepared. In the first years 90% of the natives died because of this.
Apart from bringing diseases, the Spanish also brought the Catholic religion. Indians were forced to change their ways and accept the Spanish 's. Their temples were destroyed, so they could no more do sacrifices to the gods. Churches were constructed, where the natives had to turn into Christians, because Pope Alexander VI forced the Crown of Castile to convert all their subdits into Catholicism, including the Native Americans.
Soon, many Europeans had settled there, and the native americans were forced to move to more isolated places.
Spain divided America into two provinces, New Spain and Peru. They were called viceroyalties. The top person in a viceroyalty was the viceroy, which ruled for the king. The Spanish also constructed roads across the viceroyalties to transport goods and people.
Another consequence of the colonisation was the mixture of races, due to the lack of “white” women. A new race of half-breeds was created by Spanish conquistadors by kidnapping and raping Indian women.
The Spanish taught their idiom to the indigenous people, Spanish, which is to the present day spoken in Central America and South America (except Brazil).
They didn 't treat Americans very nicely. They enslaved them, the Americans had to work for the Spanish in order to get food and receive religious teachings.
M. García Sebastian, Geography & History 2.2: History – The Modern Age
Vicens Vives, Spain: Barcelona, 2011 p. 121 Consultation realised in: 1/3/14
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179, 180, 181, Consultation realised in: 1/03/14
Catherine Loizeau, (La historia de la patata) Reportero Doc, Madrid: Bayard, 2008, p. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, Consultation realised in: 28/02/14
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