These included high official visits, military equipment trades and more. China’s foreign relations were in jeopardy because many counties just couldn’t continue to bring themselves to trust the corrupt government. This significantly affected both the West and China as their relationship was codependent.
The economy of the world was also affected by the Tiananmen Uprising because of the disparity in China afterward. As trades collapsed, the economy of the rest of the world was also in a downfall. Many countries were dependent on each other as free trade agreements allowed them to significantly increase imports and exports. Moreover, one of the most important parts of the Chinese economy tourism, declined significantly as many were afraid to travel to China because of corruption in the government. The incident also helped raise awareness of the development gaps around the world. As the massacre benefited those in power, the gap between the rich and poor widened more, raising social and economic issues that have yet to be addressed even today. Many thought that the large gap was unethical while some thought that the gap signified prosperity. The uprising helped raise an important issue that is still occurring today since the development gap between developed and developing countries is monumental. Although China’s economy continues to grow in the manufacturing market prosper, they are in search of new ways for economic development in the