Congress passed the Conservation in 1935 (Wilmore). They had to stop deep plowing and started going towards contour plowing. They had to start farming with soybeans and sweet clover because they were really good at keeping the soil together. From the Canadian Border to the Texas Panhandle, they started the shelterbelt project. They planted millions of trees to break up the wind (Marrin 103). Poor farming cause the Dust Bowl, a devastating scene in Oklahoma, yet the government stepped in and prevented it again. Farmers needed to produce more crops during World War I, and they continued those practices after the war ended causing the Dust Bowl. During the Dust Bowl, people had to do many things like sharecropping, help from the government, and covering their face with damp rags to sleep. The government helped the people by, prevented deep plowing, planted soybeans, and planted millions of
Congress passed the Conservation in 1935 (Wilmore). They had to stop deep plowing and started going towards contour plowing. They had to start farming with soybeans and sweet clover because they were really good at keeping the soil together. From the Canadian Border to the Texas Panhandle, they started the shelterbelt project. They planted millions of trees to break up the wind (Marrin 103). Poor farming cause the Dust Bowl, a devastating scene in Oklahoma, yet the government stepped in and prevented it again. Farmers needed to produce more crops during World War I, and they continued those practices after the war ended causing the Dust Bowl. During the Dust Bowl, people had to do many things like sharecropping, help from the government, and covering their face with damp rags to sleep. The government helped the people by, prevented deep plowing, planted soybeans, and planted millions of