They had a very nice life with servants and maids to do all their housework and cook them food. They usually lived in the countryside where it was very peaceful. Women usually wore elegant dresses and men wore suits or other nice clothing.
They were separated from their families. Most of the time it was men with men, and women with women. They had barely anything, including hair. Jews and sheep in comparably had their hair cut off and it would be used for something like yarn or seat cushions.…
Emperors and courtiers lived in a closed world of luxury and aesthetic delights, strict codes of polite behavior, under constant scrutiny of peers and superiors, social status was everything, lived in complex of palaces and gardens, writing verse most valued art…
Women of the time were expected to be pretty all the time and stay at home and knit or crochet. They wore beautiful dresses, elaborate gowns with puffy skirts and petty coat underneath them. They wore…
lives. They had to work in the disgusting heat, crazy weather, and the servants often came from different…
Their houses were made in a cone shape using slabs of bark or brush. They also had sweathouses that they used to keep their skin clean.…
Their main concerns were the family and simple survival. Everything they did was to feed and clothe the family, from raising grains and grapes to raising sheep so they could spin the wool into cloth and clothe the family members. When they became more successful, it was to make money and rise up in stature in the village community, but peasants who did not have trades worked the land for their own survival. They were also extremely close-knit families, often living nearby each other, so family was important for them, as well. They worked together as a family, and widows lived…
Most workers remained as farmers and artisans. They devoted their lives to their work and were skilled at their jobs. Artisans usually worked closely with agrarians to make different products. Farmers worked the fields, growing crops and raising livestock. Their work would occasionally become easier from new tools made by artisans. Women during this time were housewives. They were doing everything at home. They took care of the children, the house, and the food for the family. Sometimes, life demanded that they work the fields with their husbands. Most women did not have jobs outside the home but a small number did work outside in factory jobs.…
This culture lasted for tens of thousands of years, generally living in peace. Males and females were treated equally. Their society was matrilineal--children took their mothers' names, but not a matriarchy (Christ 58-59). Life and time was experienced as a repetitive cycle, not linearly as is accepted today.…
they had indian servants and laborers working for them. They had 3 or 4 slaves or laborers per home.…
From the start, there have always seem to been a contrast in differences between the upper white class and the upper black class. Beginning from centuries ago and still to this day, black and white upper class has been through many transformations and been placed into various status groups. These lifestyles that each group were living, were determined by their wealth, education, their occupation, and families background. Past decades there has always been a difference in status between how the upper white class and upper black class stood together. As these parents also wanted to make sure their children were understanding about their past and having many standards to fulfill. Between the black and white upper classes, there have been many assessments about how each group obtained and maintained their living standards.…
It has been demonstrated that the makeup of the working class has changed dramatically in the last 200 years. This change is a result of the processes of industrialization, colonialism, and globalization. Industrialization led to proletarianization, which had negative consequences on the working class and as a result, many workers throughout the industrialized world organized to advocate for improved status and conditions. Working class organizations by colonized workers also improved the conditions that these workers faced. However, many of the same issues that the workers in previous time periods faced are still prevalent today, such as precarity and forced labour, as a result of the process of globalization. Therefore, while there have been…
For social mobility its is keeping it the way it has been the lower class aren’t able to move up when these prices are so high.…
Yes, the upper class took advantage of people below them to succeed. Maybe, there is some justification in their system to keep the industries in America to be successful. However, the upper class were very wealthy and some even the richest people in the world. With that being said I believe they could have spare a little money to improve working conditions. The lower class was already working for low wages and longer hours so companies can succeed. I think they were entitle to their safety at the most part. Furthermore, workers felt the same way and fought for their rights. They might have not had effective unions in the beginning but through progress they were able to address these issues later on. Thanks for sharing your…
I’ m Vic, I want to talk about what is the “upper class English?” First, who is the represent of upper English? Actually, Upper class English is used in the high class society of United Kingdom. SO, it’s means British Royal can represent upper class English. Does anybody knows who is control the British Royal now? It’s King or Queen? The answer is “Elizabeth II.” So upper class English is standard, educated, and correct. It’s usually used from British Royal and Elizabeth II.…
, their god. And they were happy in the manner of living which they led.On a typical day, the men could be seen going to the mountains or forests to hunt, while the women andsmall children could be seen busily engaged in such useful tasks as fishing and gathering of fruits and…