The Weird Sisters gave Macbeth a prophecy, but did the Weird Sisters plan for Lady Macbeth to become mad too, or did the Weird Sisters plan to have Macbeth come to power by killing Duncan then to lose the throne by going crazy with power. In the book Macbeth, which was written by Shakespeare, the Weird Sisters were portrayed as the plot makers, who ended up making Macbeth go mad with power. The Weird Sisters didn't plan to make Lady Macbeth go crazy, but her thirst for power ended up helping Macbeth go insane for power. So was Lady Macbeth more obsessed with power than Macbeth? Lady Macbeth was the fuel to Macbeth's fire. She even persuaded Macbeth to kill King Duncan which leads them to the throne, but after they got the throne Macbeth became paranoid of other people and their power. Macbeth was a power hungry character who was afraid of losing his power over Scotland. However Lady Macbeth had a big part in the murder of King Duncan, but Macbeth was more responsible in the killing of Duncan, because he was the one who killed Duncan, and who took the throne. Macbeth is a sacred character, who gained his power because of a prophecy which was given by the Weird Sisters, and by the support and trickery of his wife which ended up making helping him get to the …show more content…
Taking the throne was his destiny, when he mentions “Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle towards my hand, come let”(2.1.33). In this quote, Macbeth describes a ghostly dagger that is just outside Duncan's room, and that the dagger is pointing to Duncan. So Macbeth realises that is his destiny to kill Duncan. This is why Macbeth is responsible for killing Duncan, and why he is more of a power hungry character, because after he saw the dagger he didn't need the Weird Sisters to tell him he needs to kill Duncan, or even his