Not just those who could pay for it. In addition, Thomas Paine writes “their taxes are few.” Compared to the English government at the time, America did have fewer taxes. However, in present-day America, most taxpayers would tell you differently. Taxes are very high and are placed on everything from a bar of soap to your education. In America presently, the poor are taxed much more than the rich, in comparison to what they earn. Many poor people are taxed so much that they can’t seem to make it out of poverty. In some states the top 2% have tax breaks that allow them to pay even less than they should. If alive today, Paine would see a high taxed country that gives economic advantage to the rich and
Not just those who could pay for it. In addition, Thomas Paine writes “their taxes are few.” Compared to the English government at the time, America did have fewer taxes. However, in present-day America, most taxpayers would tell you differently. Taxes are very high and are placed on everything from a bar of soap to your education. In America presently, the poor are taxed much more than the rich, in comparison to what they earn. Many poor people are taxed so much that they can’t seem to make it out of poverty. In some states the top 2% have tax breaks that allow them to pay even less than they should. If alive today, Paine would see a high taxed country that gives economic advantage to the rich and