William Shakespeare had an impact on the world by introducing new words and views towards the english language. Shakespeare is the second most quoted writer in the world. “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” (Shakespeare 1). Many authors refer back to Shakespeare in their writings, within movies, and novels. Shakespeare is viewed as the go to relatable writer and wordsmith. William shakespeare is someone who helped advance and evolve today’s english. The soliloquies written within his plays …show more content…
Mary, William Shakespeare’s mother, was left a massive estate from her father due to his absence. His family came from a Catholic background which was not the best during this particular time. During his younger years he was an essential member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men Company of theatrical players. Shakespeare later then became a shareholder of the company. When King James I came to throne, William Shakespeare renamed the company to “The King’s Men.” William Shakespeare attended grammar school at the age of seven. He had to be devoted to reading to learn more and pursue a career in the english field. He had to quit school at an early age to work and help with family finances. He was born into a middle-class family. At the age of eighteen, William Shakespeare married Anne
Hathaway, aged twenty-six at the moment, and had three children: one boy and two girls. She was already 3 months pregnant at the time of their marriage. Younger William Shakespeare was already indulging in sexual activity with Anne Hathaway. It is a conspiracy that William
Shakespeare always wanted to marry a woman named Anne Whately. His only son, Hamnet, died at the age of eleven due to possibly the bubonic plague. William Shakespeare was