Wenliang Jiang
Ms. Maffetone
W131 2667
December 12, 2013
Women’s Movement against Gender Inequality In recent years, more women achieve success by developing their leadership qualities. It is widely shared that leadership is a typical masculine characteristic. However, women started to possess the power of leadership and apply it to their careers after Women’s Movement which made a big change to gender roles. To what extent did Women’s Movement, which for instance rose labor force participation rate of adult women, change social attitudes toward femininity? A photograph from 1913 of a woman called Inez Milholland who was the leader of the National American Woman Suffrage Association Parade wearing white …show more content…
During that time, Inez Milholland’s behavior may be considered as inappropriate due to the conventional gender roles identity. Whereas, no one in the crowd shows any concern about her. They don’t even look at her. Take this detail into consideration, it gives rise to one possibility: Women’s Movement has gradually emerged into the society and affected people’s attitudes toward women. The trigger point of Women’s Movement is explained by Rachel A. Rosenfeld and Kathryn B. Ward in their article “The Contemporary U.S. Women 's Movement: An Empirical Example of Competition Theory”. They argue that economic and sociodemographic changes since World War II increased competition between women and men in the marketplace. It is the increased competition that provides motivation for the women 's movement. Even though it happens after the character in the photo has gone, it can be treated as a great process …show more content…
The main character is left alone in the central of the photo and it represents a certain degree of failure of the sensational Women’s Movement. After three waves of Women’s Movement, women’s social status has definitely increased a lot compared to the feudal society. Unfortunately, postfeminism and other reaction against women’s strive for equal
rights leave the society the problem with gender inequality. Not only is Inez Milholland left alone in the photo, but also those brave feminists are left alone in the long history. Nevertheless, a fight for equal rights will never stop until it arrives at real equality. More and more women from the contemporary and next generation will stand up and fight for gender equality to accomplish predecessors’ unfinished aspiration.
Works Cited
Rachel A. Rosenfeld and Kathryn B. Ward “The Contemporary U.S. Women 's Movement: An Empirical Example of Competition Theory”, Sociological Forum, Vol. 6, No. 3, Sep. 1991, 471-500
Deborah Tannen “There is No Unmarked Woman.” Readings for Analytical Writing, Third Edition, Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011, 444-448
Aaron H. Devor “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender.” Readings for Analytical Writing, Third Edition, Boston,