
How Did Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points After The War A Just Peace Plan

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How Did Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points After The War A Just Peace Plan
Before the war ended, Woodrow Wilson set out a just peace plan. Wilson believed nations intertwining with one another caused bad blood that led inexorably to the World War. His Fourteen Points article was his vision for self-determination and a safer world. There were 27 nations including the Big Four Woodrow Wilson (United States), Lloyd George (England), Georges Clemenceau (France), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy) at the Paris Peace Conference held January of 1919. The treaty did not satisfy all parties concerned, but the U.S. opinion favored ratification of the treaty including the argument of the League of Nations. However, state legislatures had a overrule vote in favor of the treaty, but the U.S. Senate Henry Cabot Lodge had the upper hand …show more content…
On July 10, 1919 Woodrow Wilson advocated a speech to the Senate stating “The treaty constitutes nothing less than a world settlement.” Wilson wanted America to be powerful and take charge of the Central Powers due to their lack of government. Wilson’s position compares to Lodges, because both mean wanted peace for the Unites States, but they had two different views on how the United States should react to foreign affairs. Me as a Senator, listening to Wilson’s speech would not sway me to his de facto policeman treaty, because he’s writing out a testimony about peace and America being powerful and having the upper-hand by helping other nations and telling them what’s right from wrong. That can cause war on so many levels due to lack of respect, by coming into someone else’s territory telling them how to run things how is that fair for America? America today is the de facto global policeman. If Wilson was alive today he would love its nation because it remains the same. For example, President Obama sent troops over to Iraq after an ISIS rocket kills a U.S. Marine. One of our American troops was killed, because the President feels that the United States should be that power nation that helps other nations that are in a crisis. There crisis has nothing to do with the United States, so that’s why I feel that Henry Cabot Lodge had a stronger view point about how America ought to proceed

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