
How Did Writing Affect Jose Marti's Writing?

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How Did Writing Affect Jose Marti's Writing?
Jose Marti’s writing was based on what he went through. Such as, planning revolutionary activities(“Jose Marti facts”). Writing always meant something to Jose because would write about non fiction events that he lived through. Or he has witnessed people live through. He got in trouble with the Spanish government, for expressing his opinion of Spain and they jail him(M). Jose always traveled around the world for more opportunities and even to get away from imprisonment, but he always found something to write about.(Marti 1169).Jose was one of the more intelligent people for his time, he was first interested in painting before he was thinking about becoming a writer.But he found a big interest in writing and expanding his option as an artist …show more content…
He knew that the only way Cuba was going to get its independence from Spain was through a war. Witch prevented the United States to intervene with helping Cuba get their independence from Spain. He feared a military dictatorship, which lead to creating the Cuba revolutionary in the United States and then they started to plan, the war against Spain. He did all these things for Cuba because he had his opportunities in Cuba and he didn't want them to be taken away from anybody else, These things all affected his poetry and writing because he cared so strongly for People and the country in Cuba(Journalist.). He wrote The poem “Two Countries ” Which was a poem about the Ten Years War.He was going on as, he was most likely passing Cuba. On his way to Spain when he was captured and jailed in …show more content…
A year later Jose is a tutor and he enrolls in a central university. He sails back to Havana in 1876, then in 1877, he sails to Vera Cruz and then from Mexico he goes to Guatemala. He stopped at Belize, witch is the capital of British Honduras. He ended in Guatemala and he was an appointed professor at the Central School of Guatemala. He taught history,German, French, English, German literature, and philosophy(“Jose Marti facts”). He wrote “Morazan” in 1877 for independence day. Then he moves to Mexico and then publishes a book called guatemala. He gets married in guatemala to, Carmen Zayas Bazan and a year later, they have a son named Jose Marti Zayas Bazan. In 1879 Jose speaks at another Journalist Eulogy and is accused of conspiracy.He was deported from england and then he goes to Paris after he is there He arrives in New York(“Jose Marti facts”). While being in New York he receipts his first poem and its about how nothing has changed with slavery in Cuba.(“Jose Marti

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