because they were much younger and probably in better shape than the men that were already fighting the war. In Great Britain, the government promised that if groups of friends volunteered together, they would be set in the same battalions. This sounds like a great idea today but, it turned out that it wasn’t a very good idea because it would be sad for a person to witness a friend, relative, or even a new aquanaut be killed in such an awful way. In some instances, one man would observe each of the allies with whom he had enlisted killed one by one, only they didn’t understand this so far. It was said that it was so popular for men to join with a friend or loved one that Great Britain didn’t find it necessary to draft until January 1916. I would imagine that everywhere there were sounds of gun fire, people screaming out in pain and even crying. Even though the Europeans could not stand to support these long wars, this ended up being proved right in a way. The First World War left no facet of European civilization untouched as pre-war governments were transformed to fight a full war. Europe focused all of their possessions into this war which caused a huge social change. The result of getting together for a routine goal seemed to be unifying European societies, causing death to knock down the barriers between people. All belligerents had enacted some kind of a selective accommodation which levelled classes in many ways. Wartime inadequacies made luxury an infeasibility and unpropitious. Imitating this, habiliments became unchanging and effective. Thinking over this, I noticed the clothing became uniform and utilitarian. Clothing changes came in the way of uniforms. The drawing was not ordinary to all men were transported to the trenches. Skilled workers were more consequential to industry and some could secure safe assignments at home. Unskilled adolescent males and junior officers paid with their lives the most. The generation clash was also widened by the war as veterans deterrence fed off of anger towards the elder generation for sending them in the trenches. Governments carried on many new abilities in order to fight the entire war. War regimes fought opposition by incrementing police puissance. Authoritarian’s regimes like Russia had always depended on the threat of violence, but now even parliamentary regimes felt the desideratum to expand police powers and manipulate public sentiment. Britain gave police powers wide scope in August 1914 by the Defense of the Realm Act, which sanctioned the public ascendant entities to apprehend and penalize dissidents under martial law if obligatory. In France a sharp elevate of strikes, mutinies, and verbalize of a negotiated calmness raised doubts about whether France could really carry on the war in 1917. A group of French political bellwethers decided to pack out the war at the cost of less internal liberty. The regime cracked down on anyone suspected of holding up a compromise peace. Many of the suppressions and disloyalty charges were merely a result of war hysteria or calculated political opportunism, expanded police powers withal included control of public information and judgments. The censorship of newspapers and personal mail was already an established pattern. Governments customarily utilized their potency to remove disclosure of military secrets and the airing of risky opinions considering war efforts. The French prime minister used his ability to draft journalists or defer them in exchange for favorable reporting.
The economic shock of the war was very disproportionate. At one end there were those who profited from the war and at the other end were those who stood under the effects of rising prices. At this time money in war manufacture were plentiful opportunities. War profiteers were a public outrage. Governments tended to prefer big, consolidated industries over ones that were smaller. The war was a motivation towards combinations of companies into larger ones. When resources became scarce, nonessential firms, which inclined to be diminutive, were simply closed down. One of the greatest single economic factors was inflation, the war moves raised astronomical numbers and large demands forcing shortages of a lot of goods that were needed at this critical time. For the most part all the people that was able to be employed to keep up with the demand. The French prices almost doubled during the time of the war and continued to grow into the
1920’s. In conclusion, on a human level, the effects were even more withering. In our reading this week it shows millions of families lost sons and faced the heartbreak and hardships which normally accompany the deaths of young people so full of promise. This is the most devastating thing to me that happened during World War I. I couldn’t begin to feel the pain that these individuals felt. What bothers me the most about the war in itself is, why? I understand to get what you want, but why can’t we all give a little to get a little and spear lives. I guess it will never be that easy to understand.