In my group we are going to perform our investigation by firstly taking five equally sized test tubes and a potato which we will take a sample of using a cork borer. Afterwards, we will cut five equal pieces of potato using a knife, so that they are more or less the same weight. Once we have weighed all the five pieces of potato, we will get the five different glucose solutions that will be used throughout the experiment. These solutions will consist of different molars of glucose. For example, there will be a solution of 0 molars, 0.2 molars, 0.4 molars, 0.6 molars and 0.8 molars. Using a measuring cylinder, we will measure accurately 10 ml of each solution and put it in the appropriate test tube which would have been labelled relavant to
In my group we are going to perform our investigation by firstly taking five equally sized test tubes and a potato which we will take a sample of using a cork borer. Afterwards, we will cut five equal pieces of potato using a knife, so that they are more or less the same weight. Once we have weighed all the five pieces of potato, we will get the five different glucose solutions that will be used throughout the experiment. These solutions will consist of different molars of glucose. For example, there will be a solution of 0 molars, 0.2 molars, 0.4 molars, 0.6 molars and 0.8 molars. Using a measuring cylinder, we will measure accurately 10 ml of each solution and put it in the appropriate test tube which would have been labelled relavant to