How do our no)ons of race affect our no)ons of intelligence? Dinislam Karimov. İstanbul Şehir University Research of influence of na)onal and racial iden)ty of the person on his intelligence is hampered by the circumctance that any research in this area is most oCen interpreted in the spirit of chauvinism and nazism. As in the past, and in this century, aGempts were made to scien)fically jus)fy the differen)a)on of mankind as intelligent and lower groups according to the na)onal race. Humankind, by certain anthropological features was subdivided into two: intellectually developed and having insufficient abili)es to cerebra)on. A shape of a skull and especially brain volume had crucial importance at classifica)on. The German anatomist and anthropologist J.F.Blumenbach, who put firstly the basis to an exact method of researches in anthropology, considered a shape of a skull of representa)ves of the Caucasian (European) race as a normal type and compared to it skulls of representa)ves of other races. Recognizing affinity skulls of Representa)ves races, he s)ll considered the "center" skull Europoids because it seemed to him the most beau)ful, composed of "harmoniously developed parts" (Scientific classification of race. 2013. In Encyclopedia Britannica). Without rejec)ng the relatedness of all races at the base of the skull, however, Blumenbach suggested the existence of a hierarchy between the