In short terms i want a good start in a company like yours and those responsibilities and roles which will use and improve my skills and capabilities.I want to work with a great energy and enthusiasm for the growth of both my career as well as the organization.
In long term after having an experience of about 10 years i want to see myself at the top management level where i will be contributing and sharing my knowledge and experience for the betterment of company employees and shareholders.
Some other answers from,
This open-ended question -- and others like, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" -- throws most candidates off balance. Interviewers ask this question to gain insight into your self-awareness and communication skills.
Dan, a staffing manager, is about to interview Phil, Shawna and Marsha, for a project manager position. He is looking for someone with planning skills and long-range vision. He asks each of them, "What are your long-term goals?"
"To be a marketing manager within five years and have a hand-picked team reporting to me," replies Phil. This is a very specific and narrow goal, which may not be an option at this company. The "hand-picked" team reference demonstrates a lack of flexibility. It's best to stay away from too specific a goal.
"I have been so busy with my responsibilities and achieving company goals that I have not focused on personal long-term goals," answers Shawna. While a strong work ethic is certainly desirable, this answer does not demonstrate vision or planning.
Marsha answers the question with: "I plan to return to school to earn my MBA and have my own consulting business one day." While it pays to be honest, this answer could turn the interview in the wrong direction very quickly. The employer is looking for someone to stick around for the long run, not to stop over on the way to a new career.
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