“Perestroika” and “Glasnost”, or “Restructuring” and “Openness.” These concepts granted even proletariats the rights to a say in how the government was run and who ran it. The media could now have its own opinions and a person’s beliefs were now a choice. Gorbachev brought democracy to communism, and in doing so, gave the once invisible a voice. Gorbachev was not a dictator. He did not strive for world domination and the spread of communism throughout the world, rather, he was accepting of a nation’s individuality. His respect for a country’s differences in ideology may have been what brought the Cold War to a close. He loosened the firm grip the Soviet had on Eastern Europe by removing his troops and weaponry, returning the rights to decide their own paths. He pushed aside his pride and the desire of being “better” that comes with being human by negotiating with Ronald Reagan to end the nuclear rivalry for supremacy that bred fear and distrust among many. In turn, the Soviet broke apart, resulting in 15 independent, Republic countries. Gorbachev hoped that his acceptance of each country’s beliefs would result in a stronger, more unified Soviet, not one that was dictated by fear. Gorbachev was now leader of a union that did not exist, the utopia Gorbachev strived for, did not exist.
On December 25th, 1991, Gorbachev disbanded the Soviet Union and in turn, ended the Cold War. His beliefs that every individual is entitled to the unalienable rights as well as a say in government showed his respect for others. His pursued peace and the amelioration of the Soviet, not global supremacy or world dictatorship. He did not strive for personal gain, but rather, a perfect society in which there is peace and equality. In the end, Gorbachev did not achieve a modernized and strengthened Soviet, but his consideration for others removed the fear of tyranny from Eastern Europe. This man is a champion of justice, a man who, in the face of a communism that suppressed through fear, reinstituted the rights that are entitled to all. In doing so, he freed a people, and inspired many. Including