Getting spied on by the government on a daily basis is abnormal. In the novel, “1984” by George Orwell that's exactly what was occurring. The people in this society were always being watched and “big brother” knew what people were doing most of the time. Living in a place like that seems eerie and frightening. In the novel, they repeat this quote which is odd yet true in today's society. The quote is “ war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignore is strength.”
Comparing the 1984 novel to today's society seems bizarre because this story is pretty unhinged. One may even believe that our society could not be like 1984, yet we are very much alike which is the fearful part. The government in 1984 practically owns the people. Every individual …show more content…
The government seems to want to know every little thing about you which can bother many people. There are many advertisements about the government today that make people think what the heck? Therefore, people are afraid that the government is stalking them. After the shootings that occurred in San Bernardino in 2015, the United States government wanted to force the CEOs of Apple to leak out personal information of their users so the FBI could see the personal information of the two terrorist attackers. If the CEOs were to comply to this we are talking about millions of users whose information would be leaked out, not simply the terrorist.
Like in the novel “1984” there is mass surveillance in today’s world. In 1984, their surveillance was televisions. Those televisions would be watching every individual. The society we live in today is full of cameras in every corner. Even the police carry cameras with them. In this aspect, both societies are exactly the same. It's actually very horrifying if you think about it, being watched all day, everywhere you go every store you enter, all the public place you visit it's