The lies effect Annmarie’s relationship to the adults to where she is not so sure about them.When she is told the truth she see’s why they lied to her. Annemarie was told more lies than truths by her parents to keep her safe. The quote support “What was mama really taking to Uncle Henricks?”
The parents lie to make their kids safe. They make them safe by not telling them the truth. When Annemarie’s parents lie to her so she didn’t know the truth. If she got caught by German soldiers she wouldn’t know. The quote support “For a moment no one spoke. Then Annemarie, watched in panic,
saw her father move swiftly to the small bookcase.”
The lies Annemarie was told makes her feel older. When Annemarie was told the truth about Lisa, she cried. The lies make Annemarie feel older than she really is. Annemarie wants to know the truth about the lies she was told. The quote support “It is much easier to be brave if you don’t know everything. And so your mama doesn’t know everything. Neither do I. We know only what we need to know.”
Annemarie was lied to and her trust in her parents weaken. Parents lie so their kids are safe. She was lied to since her girlhood till her womanhood.