The libraries build will help contribute to the teaching of roman values and culture to the generations to come as well as those which are joining the republic from the outside. We can further improve the citizens knowledge about Rome to glorify the roman ideal. As Cicero once said, “If you have a garden and a library nothing will fail.” By draining the Pomptine marshes, land is becoming available which can be farmed and used for the cultivation of food and livestock. Creating a road from the Adriatic to the tiber, while crossing the Apennines also provides for a much more preferable route, as it passes through rugged mountains, which are generally unpassable. The Apennines also provide us with great military positioning, as we will control the mountain range Lake Fucinus, just as the pomptine marshes, should be …show more content…
The acta states that a vote shall be held to have Dolabella remain in his position as suffect consul or be removed. This would then leave Marcus Antonius as sole consul, allowing for us, the senate, to vote for another member to fill this position, or more Marcus to be sole consul for the remainder of this term. It is also stated that in the time without a dictator, the consuls which hold high power of the republic with the senate maintaining its usual voting power. I believe that there should be two consuls, though I believe that the second spot should be filled by Nero rather than Dolabella. Nero and Marcus Antonius have different point of views on the future of the republic. With two separate opinions, Rome will be directed on the optimal path to success. Having a sole consul could prove devastating for the republic. As seen in the past, a sole consul, which would be similar to a sole dictator, has not had a positive result. Sulla, a disgrace to the republic, appointed himself sole dictator. At the time which he did this, nobody had held the position for over 120 years. Sulla also had Marcus Marius murdered as well as having thousands of people murdered. Another example of a sole dictator was Gaius Julius Caesar. His ruling of the republic led to his assassination and ultimately turmoil in the republic following this unsuspected incident. It is because of events of this type which have taken place in