Climate change has widespread effects. It doesn't just affect weather and temperature. It will also have lasting effects on the ocean and the ecosystems within it. Coral reefs get hit hard by the temperature of the water getting warmer. “Warming of as little as 1°C causes coral bleaching, a state in which the tissues of the coral become colorless because of the loss of the zooxanthellae”(Hoegh-Guldberg,Donner,pg. 9, par 3). This bleaching can stress the reefs and this can effect important functions of the coral. “Moderate bleaching results in stress that causes reduced growth rates and reproductive output, whereas severe bleaching results in coral death. Bleaching also appears to make corals more vulnerable …show more content…
“Some coral species lose their skeletons altogether” (Fine & Tchernov, pg 9, par 4), “and skeletal growth of recent recruits can be disrupted” (Cohen, pg 9, par 4). So the disruption of the skeletal growth can then make the reefs weaker and more vulnerable to damage and destruction. The acidity of the ocean doesn't just effect the skeletal growth of the coral reefs either. “This is damaging many ocean species that use calcium carbonate to form their skeletons and shells. Studies have shown that calcium carbonate formation is disrupted if water becomes too acidic”(Fujita, pg 2, par 8). So not only coral reefs being effected in skeletal growth, but all organisms that have an outer shell or exoskeleton have trouble developing a strong shell as the acid restricts the calcium production. Another effect that climate change brings about is rising sea levels. “The most obvious consequence of sea level rise will be an upward shift in species distributions. Most species are expected to be able to keep pace with predicted rates of sea level rise, with the exception of some slow-growing, longlived species such as many corals” (Knowlton, pg 10, par 1).” However, dramatic ecological changes could result from decreased habitat availability within a …show more content…
The sea levels rising could destroy ecosystems by removing or increasing certain species in a certain area of the ocean. Especially coastal areas. “Rising water levels will have serious impacts on marine ecosystems. The amount of light reaching offshore plants and algae dependent on photosynthesis could be reduced, while coastal habitats are already being flooded”(Climate change impacts on the marine environment, pg 3, par 3). The flooding of these habitats is dangerous because it disrupts the flow of a lot of organisms that keep the ecosystems in balance. “Wetlands normally grow vertically fast enough to keep up with sea level rise, but recently the sea has been rising too fast for wetlands to keep their blades above water. Coral reefs and sea grass meadows are also in danger of “drowning” since they can only photosynthesize in relatively shallow water” (Fujita, pg 2, par 4). With the sea levels rising so fast, it could also begin to effect more than just