It was unacceptable, unfair and racist for African Americans, and for audiences who oppose racist jokes in particular. Although Maher apologized on his show “Real Time with Bill Maher” and he claimed it was a joke; yet he should be punished to prevent other comedians using such words on their shows. Maher’s show has to go off air for a year to let the entire Americans know that using the “N” word does not allow in the country, and to set an example to other people who involve in racism and discrimination in terms of skin color. This will bring unity between the blacks and the white Americans. The government has to make sure all people in America are treated …show more content…
We study history to learn from it and the N- word, in all that it represents, is the darkest period in the history of the United States. In the book, “Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word”, author Randall Kennedy wrote: “Nigger is a key word in the lexicon of race relations and thus an important term in American politics. To be ignorant of its meanings and effects is to make oneself vulnerable to all manner of perils, including the loss of a job, a reputation, a friend, even one’s life.” It can never disappear or be forgotten in the same way that slavery, or Jim Crow, or the civil war can never truly disappear. They are symbols of where we have been, but they are also symbols of what we have yet to achieve. Comedian and actor Chris Rock has eliminated the Niggas v Black people, he said “By the way, I’ve never done that joke again, ever, and I probably never will. ‘Cos some people that were racist thought, they had license to say nigger. So, I’m done with that routine,” Rock said in 2005 interview with 60 minutes (although he was still performing it in London in 2008). After using the word in previous albums, Lupe Fiasco said: “Now white people, you can’t say nigga, so I got to take it back/ now black people, we’re not niggas cause God made us better than that.” On the track,