Every 9 seconds domestic violence affects a woman in America. However it is not only women. Whereas 1 in 3 women suffer some form of domestic violence, 1 in 4 men have suffered some form of physical violence in their lifetime as well. The history of domestic violence and the challenges many face when seeking help is vast. In addition, domestic violence is often seen as a black eye or broken arm black eye. …show more content…
For those who suffered before then they often suffered in silence. Although changes began to take place in the 1970s legislation still existed indicating the lack of rights for victims of abuse. However, as the women's movement began to pick up steam the individual issues of women did as well. In The same way that women and their supporters fought for equality, they also began to fight for safety. However as more attention came about concerning domestic violence so did support in the form of education and awareness by 1979 domestic violence was recognized by the healthy people initiatives. October 1981 saw the creation of the first domestic violence week However while many states and local government were making changes the first big legislative change on a federal level was the Violence Against Women Act, which help to propell the momentum and help create change and advocacy in larger platforms for victims of domestic