The plan of receiving more money for their shelter would help them, help other people. “The cost of homelessness can be quite high. Hospitalization, medical treatment, incarceration, police intervention, and emergency shelter expenses can add up quickly, making homelessness surprisingly expensive for municipalities and taxpayers.”( It states that, the cost for …show more content…
medical needs is expensive and that it would help other people's needs with the money given. Another reason for creating more shelters or places that’ll help with the situation is that it’ll provide more aid to those who need a place to stay. “ Provide permanent supportive housing chronically homeless individuals with disabilities including substance abuse disorders, mental illness, physical health issues, and/or victims of domestic abuse.” ( The website tells that with the help of having places to those who aren’t in a condition to afford a place can find a shelter. In further readings it says that it can assist the homeless and help those avoid danger.
Lastly, the reason why creating and giving more money to the shelters is that the homeless women and children can finally be in safety and stop feeling in danger. “ Provide financial assistance and supportive services to prevent homelessness among at-risk individuals and families.” ( The same website declares that they’d give assistance to prevent homelessness for those at risk. The families will no longer feel in danger if given the opportunity to be in shelter that’ll supply safety. The reason why the funding of having the shelters won’t work is because some states won’t willingly give money to help. “...the recession has caused shelters to receive much less help from federal funds. Whereas the shelter used to be able to help some women transition to new housing by paying their security deposit and first month’s rent, this practice cannot be sustained in the midst of a poor economy, making it more difficult for women to start a new life outside of the shelter.” ( This says that shelters that won’t work because they aren’t recieving much money to aid women and their children that it’ll cause a difficult life for them considering that they may live in poor conditions.
In conclusion they are mothers and children that are in desperate need for more shelters because of domestic violence done at home.
There are a few ways that it’ll help and work but there are also reasons that it won’t. Although of that, mainly all family homelessness is being caused because of domestic abuse and can be solved with the income of more shelters. Also, to be able to create more. Those are the main solutions to solving the physical abuse that contributes but can reduce homelessness because of the funding that could provide more aid to the shelters. What is your decision? Do you help those in need or leave them out in the cold to starve without a proper place to even