Poe who wrote the “The Masque of the Red” 200 year ago been talking about the modern day disease Ebola. Poe probably was talking about Ebola cause he sad that everyone that got it bled out. Ebola is like a flu virus; but way worse cause you bleed for you pores , eyes, nose, and mouth.”The Masgue of the red death” said when you go the virus you die in thirty minutes. Africa was the place where Ebola is from in Africa In the 1976 is where Ebola started it killed 280 of the 318 people stricken. “ the masque of the red death” is a short story that talked about a disease that kills people in thirty minutes . Ebola is a disease that makes you bleed from almost every part of your body. Both of the story talk about a disease that makes
Poe who wrote the “The Masque of the Red” 200 year ago been talking about the modern day disease Ebola. Poe probably was talking about Ebola cause he sad that everyone that got it bled out. Ebola is like a flu virus; but way worse cause you bleed for you pores , eyes, nose, and mouth.”The Masgue of the red death” said when you go the virus you die in thirty minutes. Africa was the place where Ebola is from in Africa In the 1976 is where Ebola started it killed 280 of the 318 people stricken. “ the masque of the red death” is a short story that talked about a disease that kills people in thirty minutes . Ebola is a disease that makes you bleed from almost every part of your body. Both of the story talk about a disease that makes