A person who does what is right for the protection of others, no matter the consequences, is courageous. People in the military, for example, have courage. They make the decision to serve their country; knowing what could happen, they protect citizens’ rights. Not only can a militant show courage, but characters in stories can as well. Writers express courageous acts through characters, so readers can learn from their experiences. From start to finish, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Elie Wiesel’s Night, and Chris Crutcher's “Goin’ Fishin’,” characters possess courageous attributes.
For the duration of the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, A character has courageous moments. First, courage …show more content…
First, the example of Elie’s reaction to his father being beaten shows courage. Elie holds back his anger and other emotions, so the situation would not become worse. Secondly, Elie gives up his gold crown to the foreman Franek in order to save his father from another beating. Elie recalls, “Unfortunately, Franek knew how to handle this; he knew my weak spot” (Wiesel 55). Elie had to suffer through pain when his crown was pulled out. This was a sacrifice he had to make in order to spare his own father the pain. Lastly, a strong sense of courage is seen when Elie's father dies before his eyes. Instead of Elie going mad, he shows his strength and courage to just keep going and does not give up. With this denouement, Elie shows various examples of courage in the …show more content…
First, Neal shows courage in the story.He has to work up enough courage to ask Lionel for forgiveness because he killed his family. After all the years Lionel’s family has been dead, Neal has to come and convince the person he hurt so very badly to forgive him. This action requires courage because he is doing what is right but it may not end the way he wishes. Secondly, the character Elaine shares the same attributes as Neal. Elaine stands up to Lionel to tell him his faults. Elaine is courageous because of this act. She decides to stand up to her male friend and have him hear the bitter truth.This take courage to stand up to one of your closest friends and to take the risk in order to help them. With her understanding what may happen to their friendship, she does it anyway because she knows it is the right thing to do. Lastly, Lionel had to be courageous. He showed this trait when Neal killed his family and came back years later for forgiveness. Lionel had to be mature and have a talk with him. After Lionel understands Neal's courage, he works up his own to tell him how he wants to handle things. Lionel said, “ Pack your shit, I’ll get the jeepster, I was gonna give myself a day off school tomorrow anyway. Maybe you and me oughta go fishin’” (Crutcher 107). Lionel may have approached the situation aggressively but, he overcame his obstacle showing courage. In