Fast food isn’t healthy and doesn’t supply proper nutrients. According to The Washington Post, in an investigation of whether or not fast food affects test scores, “A study conducted last year showed that nutrients like iron, which can be lacking in fast food are essential for the development of a child's brain. Diets high in fat and cholesterol have also been …show more content…
In an investigation of whether or not fast food affects test scores it was shown that, “Nearly a third of American kids between the ages of 2 and 11-and nearly half of those aged 12 to 19-eat or drink something from a fast food restaurant each day, according to a study from 2008” (Fast Food Consumption). Fast food is in such steady supply, people are somehow managing to eat things from fast food restaurants daily. The article also mentioned that fast food makes up to 13% of calories eaten by teenagers, a constant ~312 calories at any time. The problem is, the calories people are eating are empty,meaning they came from foods with no nutritional value. According to CBS News, in an investigation of whether or not junk is causing obesity or not an expert, “pointed out that junk food is low in protein and fiber, doing little to keep you full and making it easy to over-consume calories.” If people eat fast food too often, they won’t be getting enough fiber or protein, so those people won’t be full, leading them to eat more. Fast food is full of calories, and when people eat more calories to try to fill up, they end up gaining weight. Fast food has too little nutritional value and too many calories, so it is creating change in the …show more content…
Those people are wrong. According to Mexico News Daily, in an investigation of Mexico and soft drink consumption, researchers said, “Latin America led the world consumption, drinking 56 billion litres.” This is true, but, according to data from Google, latin america has a population of 626,741,000, while mexico has a population of 119,938,473. That is a difference of 506,802,527 people. It is totally reasonable for that many people to drink 626,741,000 litres of soda. While this is reasonable, it still creates change because that much soda is bound to give some people some extra fat. Another argument from CBS news stated, “Americans are just eating too much and not exercising enough”(Is junk food) While Americans do eat too much junk food, the “too much anything” argument is a bad one because it’s the argument that people use when they run out of evidence. Even if Americans cut down on the fast food intake, the price of fast food would drop and make it even more accessible. That, in turn, would make even more change by having more people buy it after the price drop. Fast food is undoubtedly creating change in the