There is a lot of children growing up with problems such as getting in trouble in school by behavioral issues in class or by losing eye sight at such a young age. There is also many other health problems and all this just because of gaming too much. I also have a family member that had went through this negative stage in their life when he was young. When you are young you do not think about how bad gaming will affect you, you just game the whole time not wanting stop and obviously that is not good for you. Gaming has a much more negative effect on children than it does on adults. Millions of children around the world go through some type of affection towards gaming no matter what type of game it …show more content…
A good example would be GTA that is a series that has a total of 9 games. They are all rated M for Mature which also means you have to be at least 17 years of age to play. The kids really don’t care what age you have to be in order to play the most populated game in the world. Children are usually told to go to bed before a certain time, but there is only one thing holding them back that is causing them to sleep late and it’s wanting to play some more video games. This causes sleep deprivation if it happens on a regular …show more content…
Kids get so addicted that they don’t realize that they are addicted. They think it’s normal to just play every day for hours. Some of them play up to more than an hour every day and for a young child that is bad. They don’t even take school as a priority, or either they don’t want to go to school that is how bad it can get. A lot of children cry for not being allowed to play or they will try to do anything to just play. Many Kids lie to you about how long they have been playing or they will try to find ways to hide when they were actually playing and also would make excuses to play. Metabolism may be increased because they play too much video games rather than doing physical activities. That is way some kids get unhealthy due to the inactivity outside. They just play video games then eat and then also sleep. The gaming increases metabolic and physiologic variables in kids, which is how the kids get sick. Many kids lose their appetite, when they play too much due to his metabolism. However there is other Diseases and common health mistakes out there that are caused by video gaming. Crohn’s Disease which can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue. Diabetes include excessive thirst or urination, fatigue, weight loss, or blurred