Not to mention, in the article, The Sadistic Economics of Comic-Con’s Exclusive Toys, the writer informs us that the prices of exclusive merchandise at the convention are extremely high so more money can be made off of those who visit the convention. This piece of evidence relates to the idea that gender-biased toys are being promoted by people same gender the toys classifies under because the toys at the convention are being promoted. Comic Con attendees are compelled to buy a product because it is promoting as exclusive. Just like how people of the same gender the toy is being marketed to are compelled to buy these toys due to seeing someone like them having fun with said toy. Sadly, gender-biased toys are promoted with the same gender actors, but hopefully they will be having someone from each gender represent the toy so it will attract more buyers of the opposite
Not to mention, in the article, The Sadistic Economics of Comic-Con’s Exclusive Toys, the writer informs us that the prices of exclusive merchandise at the convention are extremely high so more money can be made off of those who visit the convention. This piece of evidence relates to the idea that gender-biased toys are being promoted by people same gender the toys classifies under because the toys at the convention are being promoted. Comic Con attendees are compelled to buy a product because it is promoting as exclusive. Just like how people of the same gender the toy is being marketed to are compelled to buy these toys due to seeing someone like them having fun with said toy. Sadly, gender-biased toys are promoted with the same gender actors, but hopefully they will be having someone from each gender represent the toy so it will attract more buyers of the opposite