Gilead maintained control over all its citizens through captivating them and dehumanizing them until they felt as though they were too weak to break free or ever live past it. The regime used its anti-feminism and oppression against the trapped women. Another tactic they used was power, meaning some individuals would do anything to keep power, even if it meant losing their morals or humanity like Nick, Offred, the commander and many more.Lastly,the most used tactic was fear which was sparked to control and manipulate the citizens through public executions, beatings, and arranged marriages.
Even though Gilead's was full of women, anti- feminism existed, making it extremely difficult for women to fight together. In …show more content…
Hundreds of innocents were hung on the streets, publicly if they tried to run away. Some succeeded but most failed, these actions highly terrified others. The government wanted to warm people, if they ran away or didn't follow the rules that is exactly how they would end up. Offred, tries to stay away from this as much as possible, she would remind herself and state, “My name isn't Offred, I have another name, which nobody uses now because it's forbidden. I tell myself it doesn't matter, your name is like your telephone number, useful only to others; but what I tell myself is wrong, it does matter. “ Offred tries to distance herself from Gilead. She doesn’t tell anyone her real name because she know nobody would care to even notice, people only need her for when she is useful. Gilead used extremely terrible tactics to keep people under the control. Even though Gilead's was full of women, anti- feminism existed making it extremely difficult for women to fight together. Individual in Gilead would do anything against their own will to gain power. Gilead used fear to control people and this prevented them from rising up. Even though the tactics held up for a long time, evil lost, together people got back on their feet and at last received the freedom they