In their lust, the nice british boys bring out their savage ways and become vicious. Killing a pig is not about having meat or something to eat for them. It is about overpowering over a helpless animal. “Here, struck down by the heat, the sow fell and the hunters hurled themselves at her. This dreadful eruption from an unknown world made her frantic; she squealed and bucked and the air was full of sweat and noise and blood and terror... The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high-pitched scream. Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands. The sow collapsed under them …” (Golding 135). After the excitement for the boys, they continue to act out this killing. Over and over again they slash the air and pretend to kill one another until someone finally gets hurt. In addition, it is very clear that after their first killing of the sow that the boys have become completely savage. There is no longer any civil or moral part of these boys. They want to continue. "Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!" (Golding 152). Now that the boys are completely savage, it’s time for them to fight and keep on killing. They have destroyed something in worse way possible, it’s time to move on for more. To end with, All the boys split into two different groups after the first pig hunt; Jack’s side and Ralph’s side. The first hunt had a great effect on the group, now there's two ideas to look at - kill more or find a way to get off the island. All the boys believe Jack is the fun option and they decide to favor him and go hunting. “The sticks fell and the mouth of the new circle crunched and screamed. The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the
In their lust, the nice british boys bring out their savage ways and become vicious. Killing a pig is not about having meat or something to eat for them. It is about overpowering over a helpless animal. “Here, struck down by the heat, the sow fell and the hunters hurled themselves at her. This dreadful eruption from an unknown world made her frantic; she squealed and bucked and the air was full of sweat and noise and blood and terror... The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high-pitched scream. Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands. The sow collapsed under them …” (Golding 135). After the excitement for the boys, they continue to act out this killing. Over and over again they slash the air and pretend to kill one another until someone finally gets hurt. In addition, it is very clear that after their first killing of the sow that the boys have become completely savage. There is no longer any civil or moral part of these boys. They want to continue. "Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!" (Golding 152). Now that the boys are completely savage, it’s time for them to fight and keep on killing. They have destroyed something in worse way possible, it’s time to move on for more. To end with, All the boys split into two different groups after the first pig hunt; Jack’s side and Ralph’s side. The first hunt had a great effect on the group, now there's two ideas to look at - kill more or find a way to get off the island. All the boys believe Jack is the fun option and they decide to favor him and go hunting. “The sticks fell and the mouth of the new circle crunched and screamed. The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the