As the littluns were playing, they started thinking about killing other things. Then they took spears and started “jabbing at Robert with it. ‘Kill him!... Bash him in!’”(114). Before, Jack had taken them hunting and they …show more content…
All boys on the island come to the gathering, even Ralph and Piggy, they are all fed to their hearts content. Then Jack tried to make a point that they didn’t need Ralph’s leadership because he was able to feed all of the people on the island. Ralph and Jack argue about how wrong the other was, causing more separation and disorder between all the groups. Then it started to rain, Jack started their dance and chanted, “‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” to keep the group thinking positive, even though they have no shelter(152). As they chanted Simon was coming out of the forest rag and tired, he was “crying something about a dead man on a hill”(152). The crowd of people believed it was the beast from the forest so they attacked it, tarring its teeth and claws. The boys on the island were trying to enjoy themselves by singing and dancing, but their fear blinds them to the truth that they didn’t want. Because they were scared they killed Simon as soon as possible without any thoughts, therefore they are are becoming more primitive and