
How Does Hamlet Criticize Ophelia

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How Does Hamlet Criticize Ophelia
Polonius was self-absorbed, boring & nosey. He was also a very manipulative father. That being said, I don’t think anyone deserves to die because they were eavesdropping. I also believe that if Hamlet didn’t kill Polonius, a lot of other lives would have been spared as well.
I don’t think she knows Claudius killed her husband. The ghost accuses her of being an incestuous, adultering beast, but he never calls her a murderer. I feel if you’re going to call someone out on those two things, & murder is on the table too, why wouldn’t you throw it in the mix as well?
I think Hamlet criticizes Ophelia & is so cruel to her because his father was murdered by his uncle who is now married to his mother & she’s breaking up with him & spying on him for
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All men will see her as damaged from now on. Ophelia fiercely obeyed her father & brother & I don’t think she knows how to deal with their disappointment now that she’s lost her virginity. Ophelia literally giving away flowers only reinforces this theory.
I think Hamlets Oedipus complex is fairly obvious. Gertrude & Claudius’ marriage would upset anyone, but it made Hamlet despise his mother & filled him with rage. It made him question life & whether Ophelia really loved him or not. His mother’s new marriage cast such a shadow on his entire world. It is odd, to say the least, that it had such a big impact on him. Hamlet is very thoughtful & even hesitant when coming to carrying out his revenge, but when he killed Polonius, he is single minded & quick to act.
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are paid informants that went to college with Hamlet. They are constantly stepping on one another trying to kiss up to the King. They are liars & not very bright, but they don’t really deserve to die in the end. Horatio, another old friend, stays loyal to Hamlet throughout the play. Horatio has good sense & that’s proven when he’s called on by the guards of the castle to weigh in on the ghost situation. When Hamlet is dying in his arms, he offers to die with him, but instead he carries Hamlet’s story

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