A lot of people are starting to understand that young people can make a difference and Hip Hop is apart of it. Though honestly, hip hop makes the world go around. Just think about a world without Hip Hop. Kind of boring right. “Hip Hop has indeed been altered as social, economic, political, and cultural realities have changed”(Black Empires,White Desires). Hip Hop is not just changing the hip hop world but it is changing the world around us.
Although some people believe hip hop has a positive influence on young people not ALL hip hop is positive. “Rappers” like Young Thug has literally no purpose. He’s just rapping to be famous and take advantage of girls. People like him make a bad name for hip hop. Most listens to his songs just for the hype. “Prior research has linked levels of exposure to rap music with a range of undesirable health behavior” (Ethnic Identity,Self-Esteem, and Variability in Perceptions of Raps). Hip hop has been found linked to the cause of disrespectful behaviors in this