Instagram always has these high expectations about how someone should look. People post pictures about how they think they should look, not how they really look. Society puts these expectations on both men and women about how we should be skinny, pretty, and perfect. Our self-esteem is a precious thing that can easily break by the smallest things. When a teenage girl sees a picture of a beautiful model like Gigi Hadid and all the comments about how she is so beautiful, it makes the teenage girls wish they were like her; wishing someone would give them compliments about how they are so beautiful, how their so skinny, how they would wish to be …show more content…
When we meet someone new we do not take out our phones and start texting each other right off the bat. We must get to know them personally but how can you do that when our faces are glued to our phones? Instagram has changed the way we can communicate with the world. Now we can send a message to someone we do not know that is half way across the world. People that sit in front of the computer all day might not know how to socialize around real people. An example would be if someone was to meet a person they were talking to online but they we very awkward and did not know how to approach the situation. They might be the most interesting person online but in person they are shy and awkward. It is hard to talk to strangers in person but online someone could scroll through their profile and know all about them before they start