Perception is one of the most important aspects of human behaviour. Our intra- and interpersonal perception is strong factor in our success in education and work lives. This is shown by the individual experiments conducted by Susanne Abele and Garold Stasser, of Miami University, and Debra A. Bercher. This idea is than further supported by the views of Robert A. Baron and Sophie Jowett.
In order to successfully communicate with others we must first learn to communicate with ourselves. Intra-personal perception is the most basic level of communication. You must understand who you are and what you think of yourself.
Understanding yourself provides the foundation for taking self-determined actions. It is a key to success. To know yourself means to be aware of strengths, weaknesses, needs, interests and preferences. Self-awareness is essential for developing goals that reflect personal desires and for making informed decisions. (Sam S. Sagar , Bradley K. Busch & Sophia Jowett (2010))
Having an inaccurate perception of ourselves can lead to false assessment of mastery, premature termination of study, overconfidence, and poor academic performance. By having a more accurate perception and understanding of ourselves, as students we will be able to “adjust performance when warranted” (Bercher D A, 2012) and prioritise our study content by our strengths and weaknesses. It provides us with the ability to prepare and gives us an accurate measure of what needs to be done to perform a satisfactory exam.
Everyone has limitations, so understanding your specific qualifications, talents and academic background can help you find jobs that are within your level of expertise. For example, some workers have the skills and knowledge to perform technical research, some have strong people skills and others have
References: Abele S, & Stasser G, 2008, Coordination Success and Interpersonal Perceptions: Matching Versus Mismatching, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Issue: Volume 95(3), September, p 576–592 Bercher D A, 2012, Self-Monitoring Tools and Student Academic Success: When Perception Matches Reality, Journal of College Science Teaching 41.5 May/Jun: 26-32. Robert A. Baron and Gideon D. MarkmanThe Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005) Vol. 14, No. 1, Themes: Forming Impressions and Giving Feedback (Feb., 2000), pp. 106-116 Sam S. Sagar , Bradley K. Busch & Sophia Jowett (2010) Success and Failure, Fear of Failure, and Coping Responses of Adolescent Academy Football Players, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22:2, 213-230, DOI: 10.1080/10413201003664962