main character of Great Expectations. Joe's wife and Pip's sister is abusive, especially towards Pip. Joe
often comes to Pip's aid, it is clear that he loves him tremendously. Joe is a blacksmith and Pip helps
him with his work, and is set to one day become a blacksmith as well. However, this is not what
happens. Pip becomes singularly keen on going to the city and becoming a “gentleman”. I use
quotation marks because what Pip truly wants is to be rich, live in a high society, and be respected. The
term word gentleman in it's true meaning is epitomized by Joe. Always polite, caring in a sincere
manner. Joe is also an extremely hard
worker, and he never complains about his state. Content and
truly grateful for all he has, Joe is the type of man anyone would be fortunate to be close to. Eventually
the prodigal son if you will, Pip realizes what us, the readers have seen all along. That is, Joe Gargery
is great role model, wonderful man, and a true gentleman.