The Hypothesis created states, “If the elodea plant is closer to the light then, there will be a higher amount oxygen and glucose produced because the light intensity is stronger closer to the lamp.”. The hypothesis was refuted since the majority of oxygen bubbles at 76 cm away as opposed to 10cm. Plants need oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide to survive and produce Photosynthesis, which is why the hypothesis thought the more light equals more bubbles. The hypothesis was refuted seeing as at the closest point to the light there was less bubbles than further away. In other words, what the data found was, the highest rate of photosynthesis is not at the highest level of Light Intensity. For example, the table shows, at 76 cm away from the light an average of 28 bubbles were found. However, at 10 cm away an average of 12.3 bubbles were seen, which does not signify “the further away from the light, the more bubbles will appear” since, at the distance 2 of 46 cm there was an average of 7.3 bubbles. What can be concluded, however, and what the overall data shows, is for the highest amount of photosynthesis to occur the plant should be around 70cm or further away from the light
The Hypothesis created states, “If the elodea plant is closer to the light then, there will be a higher amount oxygen and glucose produced because the light intensity is stronger closer to the lamp.”. The hypothesis was refuted since the majority of oxygen bubbles at 76 cm away as opposed to 10cm. Plants need oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide to survive and produce Photosynthesis, which is why the hypothesis thought the more light equals more bubbles. The hypothesis was refuted seeing as at the closest point to the light there was less bubbles than further away. In other words, what the data found was, the highest rate of photosynthesis is not at the highest level of Light Intensity. For example, the table shows, at 76 cm away from the light an average of 28 bubbles were found. However, at 10 cm away an average of 12.3 bubbles were seen, which does not signify “the further away from the light, the more bubbles will appear” since, at the distance 2 of 46 cm there was an average of 7.3 bubbles. What can be concluded, however, and what the overall data shows, is for the highest amount of photosynthesis to occur the plant should be around 70cm or further away from the light