For example, Ralph mentioned that "Jack's in charge of the choir. They can be—what do you want them be?" which means that he wants to share his power with Jack (23). Just like what Locke would do because he believes that if people did the thing it will lead on making good decisions. Also, since Ralph is chief he has to take responsibility on taking care of the kids and making sure they're safe. Ralph is like Locke because Locke believed that "the people" would do the right thing as a group. Therefore, Ralph is an overview of Locke.
Ralph exemplifies all the positive human characteristics discussed by John Locke. Ralph decided to have a meeting because he felt that the boys didn’t pay any attention to him on what he wanted them to do. For instance, Ralph noted “we ought to have more rules” because he wants the boys to start following the rules so that they start listening to Ralph (pg. 61). Locke believed that everyone is equal and independent and no one ought to harm another. Ralph treats everyone the same and respects them equally. Therefore, Ralph and Locke agree on the right and wrong