Latitude and Longitude both affect the weather and the temperature. The weather and temperature also affects us. The farther away from the equator the more extreme the weather is going to be. For latitude the closer you are to the equator the hotter it will be. The farther away you are from the equator the colder it will be. The region near the equator affects the most sun because of the shape of the Earth. The light also has to penetrate through less of the atmosphere to reach Earth’s surface.
Latitude also affects the climate. Climates can vary not just by temperature but how much precipitation they receive. If you didn’t know precipitation is a form of rain, snow, or
sleet. There are also climate zones. There are three climate zones the Polar climate zones, Temperate climate zones, and the Tropical climate zones. The Polar climate zones are either at the pole below the Antarctic Circle or above the Arctic circle. The winters are very cold and the summers are cool to cold. The Temperate climate zones have a generally relatively moderate, rather than extremely hot or cold climate. The Tropical climate zones have a steady temperature of 64 degrees F all year around. So the weather, temperature, and climate are generally the things that affect us. So latitude and longitude affects where you might want to live either cold weather or warm weather.
"How Does Latitude Affect Temperature?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016. .
"Maps & Globes." Glossary. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016. .