At the beginning of the play MacBeth is respected, a good husband, and a loyal subject to the king. Lady MacBeth causes him to commit an evil deed and kills the king. He then becomes paranoid. He believes killing Banquo and MacDuff’s family shows his idea of him being manly. His degeneration or loss of function caused problems in his marriage. At first they have respect for each other. After killing Duncan, his wife becomes less and less important to him. He then leaves her out of the plan to kill Banquo and MacDuff’s family. MacBeth lets witches take the place of his wife, and he allows his evil nature to take control of him. He then turned into a totally evil inhumane person with his actions.…
Macbeth's psychological position changes throughout this play. His psychological transition from innocent and loyal soldier towards a cruel and evil tyrant takes place in several stages. In Act I, we are shown a rather moral and ethical man, as Macbeth struggles with his conscience. The weird sisters' prophesy of his ascent to the throne truly troubles him, not only because his aspirations lead him there, but also because his mind cannot dare imagine the "horrible imaginings" (Act I, Scene III, line 138). The audience presumes his conscience is actively battling his ambition, and at this point is triumphant in derailing it. In the palace however, we see Macbeth become more determined as he is…
Macbeth’s greed culminates in the murder of the King and then his power becomes absolute with the flight of the two Princes, “What will you do? Let's not consort with them/ I'll to England.” Macbeth abuse of power leads to the corruption of morals, and nobility. It leads him to murder his friends and Macduff’s family leaving him isolated although powerful, “O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” Macbeth loses his sense of perspectives as a result of his avarice for…
Macduff and Macbeth were originally on excellent terms and respected each other, but Macbeth’s insanity and craving for power only made him fall deeper into an impure and ignorant abyss. When Macbeth begins his speech, he says, “The very firstlings of my heart shall be [t]he firstlings of my hand.” ( This is the moment in Macbeth’s life when he finally admits to no longer caring and will do the “firstlings” of his…
Macbeth filled with morality and respect, is very loyal to king Duncan. When Macbeth is first introduced, his bravery on the battlefield leads Duncan into crowning him with the formal tittle of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth could not imagine committing treason of any kind because of his profound regard for the king. The encounter and the prophecies of the three witches triggered Macbeth’s ambitious nature. They appear to him with visions into his future saying, “ All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (1.3.52) From this point on, Macbeth begins to think about his desire to be king,…
At the start of the play Macbeth is brave and loyal and displays many of the attributes of a great king. However after conversing with the three witches his state of mind goes on a downward spiral eventually ending in his demise. His thirst for power and wealth cause him to act foolishly and with haste rather than waiting to see if the witches’ predictions come true. It is clear from Macbeths reaction to King Duncan telling Malcom that he will be Prince of Cumberland that Macbeths desires have already started to take a toll on his mind ‘That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies.’ (I. IV. 48). This clearly shows that ambition is taking away Macbeths rational thoughts and he is choosing to act without thought towards the consequences and is only focused on his goal of becoming…
Macbeth was the cause of much suffering in the play and in turn suffered greatly throughout. Macbeth suffers much indecision from the moment he hears the witches prophesies. He gets confused and is torn between killing or not killing King Duncan. He immediately thinks of killing the king, as he wants so badly to be king, but the idea of committing such a crime appals him. "Why do I yield to that suggestion"(1:3:144), he says in a state of confusion. Macbeth is Duncan's "kinsman", "his subject" and "his host". As his host he should be protecting him, not killing him. Macbeth believes in "even-handed justice" and that if he commits evil, evil will be put upon him. He ultimately decides not to kill the King but Lady Macbeth convinces him otherwise,…
Being innocent of the knowledge, he says that he wants to protect her from the corruption that he has involved himself in and he knows there's no turning back for him. The driving force of Macbeth is no longer Lady Macbeth but his own ambition. He becomes powerful and keeps all the secrets to himself without telling his wife anything. Lady Macbeth becomes insecure and isolated, and asks him that why does he keep to himself, and she's also very anxious because of the disregard of her husband. She describes her happiness as "doubtful" and she seems to have less of a purpose. She is overwhelmed by her guilt and she asks Macbeth to put a stop to all his evil deeds "You must leave this." However, she fails to stop him finally is so cut off from her husband that she descends into madness. Clearly, Lady Macbeth begins to gain conscience because she has transformed from one who feels guilt-free, to on who feels guilt. Consequently, any person who cannot distinguish the difference between right and wrong is without conscience; any person who regrets what one has done is with the conscience, if not have…
He also came to realize that Macbeth was the one that ordered his family to be killed. “… Tyrant, show thy face! If thou beest slain, and with no stroke of mine, My wife and children’s ghosts will haunt me still.” (V.vii.19-21) Macbeth is a malicious character who wishes evil to others. He admits to this at the end of the play. Macduff admonishes Macbeth to openly face his consequences. Macduff is truly hurt from the loss of his family and wants Macbeth to die by his own hands. “Once caught by the devil’s bait, only at the end is he able to express his inward state openly in outward appearance.” (Davidson 53) Macbeth openly admits that he is a hopeless tyrant living a worthless life. His deeds came back around him in a way that the evil he did to others started to punish him. From Lady Macbeth’s death to his own, Macbeth lost everything due to his greed. Instead of being a holy king, Macbeth chose to follow the path of evil by initiating a trial of murders. Macbeth’s courage contradicts itself because in Act I, Scene II he was praised for his bravery while in Act V he is a hopeless king fighting for his life. He came to realization that his life came to a bitter end. Ultimately, Young Siward’s death was more significant than Macbeth’s, because he died fighting for others while Macbeth fought for himself. After all, Macbeth’s only goal was to keep his position of the throne away from all,…
Macbeth shares information as important as becoming king with his wife, which one can assume he most likely would not have done if he believed the Weїrd Sisters to be telling lies. Even though Macbeth accepts what the witches have told him as truth, he still struggles with his free will and means of fulfilling the prophecy. When speaking with Lady Macbeth, he rejects her plan to kill King Duncan, the reigning King, and tells her that they will, “proceed no further in this business”(1.7.34). Macbeth begins this scene by having new information about his future proposed to him, and questioning how, and if, it is to come to be. By the end of the scene, he has accepted the inevitable outcome, yet still holds on to the means by which it is to happen.…
Walter Clyde Curry discusses that the witches are demonic spirits, not hallucinations and that their main purpose is to bring the nature of evil into Macbeth. Curry states that the witches are just lost souls that belong to the devil, or perhaps even the devil himself although in the form of witches. Inevitably, the roles of the witches are mostly to cause tragedy and affect the entire play but also to show the good versus the evil. The use of their powers also indicates their connection with the supernatural and coming straight from Satan. Other than arguing about the witches' origin, Curry…
Macbeth is unimpressed that Macduff has abandoned him and fled to England to persuade Malcolm to fight against him. He orders to “seize upon Fife...and all unfortunate soul that trace him in line”. In essence, Macbeth’s paranoia results in him being more psychologically unstable, but this time about losing his crown rather than being caused by guilt. Also, the witches’ prophecies slowly begin to envelop, causing him to repeat the words for a false sense of confidence. However, Lady Macbeth ultimately gives in to the burden of internal guilt that was previously hidden prior to the sleepwalking scene in Act 5, Scene 1 and commits suicide. In Macbeth’s soliloquy discusses the futility of life, on account that it is meaningless, “signifying nothing”. These words highlight Macbeth’s acceptance of defeat and that all the power he’s acquired mean nothing anymore. During the final scene, the insane Macbeth reiterates witches’ prophecies on the fact that he is invincible. Contrastly, Macduff states that he was “from his mother’s womb untimely ripped”. Therefore, Macduff’s final words result in Macbeth’s inevitable realization of…
From fear turn to ambition to arrogance then to insanity has taken a toll on Macbeth and has stripped him of his soul. Now he is just a force that is full of fear and anger motived by both fear and anger to do harm to any one he suspects of knowing his crimes.…
Finally, Macbeth is ruthlessly planning for his future unaware if what it has in store is a good or bad thing due to the amount of confidence and ambition he has gained since the beginning of the play. This is displayed when he states, “From this moment the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand” (4.1.152-154). When saying this, Macbeth vows to act upon instinct from then onwards. This is one of the ways Macbeth is…
Macbeth in the beginning of the play is a noble, humble and honourable person who, without question would sacrifice his life for the liberty of his King, Duncan. As the play progresses he attitude towards life in general changes completely, mainly due to the pressure that Lady Macbeth inflicts on him. However, Lady Macbeth has quite a surprising personality as she is not the stereotypical Elizabethan woman. Lady Macbeth is expected to be fragile, meek, innocent and comforting but in this unusual circumstance Lady Macbeth would very much rather “dashed the brains out” of an infant child. This is plain evidence to suggest that Lady Macbeth is of no stable condition. In addition to this surprising fact Lady Macbeth is cunning and bloodthirsty. She demands Macbeth in Act one, Scene Five to “look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t”. It is very common for a man to demand a female to pursue tasks but for a woman to demand a man, especially of something like sacrilege, is very unusual. This could mean two things, Macbeth is weak and is unable to depict his own decisions or/and that Macbeth is mentally deteriorating. Macbeth reason with Lady Macbeths orders in his soliloquy in Act one, Scene seven and from the things he…