loud cars, and not to mention the bombardment of uninvited musical sounds. Today, most six to seven year olds have probably come into contact with more music than those people living before the age of electronic media did in their whole lives. The numerous amount of music exposure that has intruded in today’s society has influenced several youngsters, including myself, to have different personalities and behaviors.
By taking a walk on the sidewalk or just observing people in general, one would realize that wardrobe and music have a huge correlation. In today’s society, we see different people in various types of clothes, which consists of the punk, the conservative and provocative preppy, and of course the ghetto style. All these people have been influenced by the type of music they listen to and have made an impact on the way they carry out their lives.
Music starts taking a role in a person’s life most at young ages so remember that when your listening to little Wayne while your baby boy is in the back seat. He would start to talk like little Wayne and even engage his actions in most cases smoking pot and other stuff.