One of the key factors to obtaining a free society is freedom of speech. This gives members of a free society the right to voice their opinions and peacefully protest. Peaceful protesting has positive impact on a free society. Without peaceful protesting, a free society would not truly be free. Peaceful protest has showed a tremendous impact on our country. The peaceful protests have done more …show more content…
They believe that peaceful protests can easily turn violent. An example of this is the Baltimore Riots in 2015. The protests that turn violent are often started because of a violent event. Baltimore riots occurred when Freddie Gray was violently pulled into a police van. This protest was not meant to be truly peaceful. This also happened with the Ferguson unrest in Missouri. Michael Brown, an African American man, was shot by a white police officer. These protests may have turned violent, but the ones that stay peaceful are symbolic. Without peaceful symbolic protests, our country could still be segregated. Protests were a vital component in the Civil Rights movement.
Peaceful protests are known for their effectiveness. They may take longer to achieve the desired goal but are much more effective than violent protests. True non-violent protests are designed to avoid turning violent.
A free society is built on protesting. America's history has justified this. Even if it turns violent, the protest calls attention to the subject. Peaceful protests shape our society and are crucial in a free