General Science
How Does Phosphate Affect the Growth of Aquatic Plants?
(A Problem Proposal)
I. Introduction Aquatic plants are an important component of lake systems. These plants may be totally submerged beneath the lake surface, floating, or growing along the shoreline. They provide food and shelter for bugs, fish and other organisms, prevent shoreline erosion, filter pollutants from adjacent shoreline activities, and provide oxygen to the surrounding environment. Any conditions that harm such a balanced environment can potentially destroy thousands of organisms that live there. Since phosphates are common pollutants of lakes, in this project I investigate the effect of phosphates on the growth of aquatic plants.
a. Objectives My objectives are to determine the effects of different amount of phosphate on the growth of aquatic plants, to know if it can damage the growth of aquatic plants to the ecosystem and to identify whether using different amount of phosphate will help in the growth of aquatic plants. The information gained from this experiment will educate people about how the phosphates that are in detergents, soaps and other materials that run into the streams, lakes, rivers, etc. will affect the growth of aquatic plant life and the food chain.
b. Hypothesis
Stated Problem: How Does Phosphate Affect the Growth of Aquatic Plants?
There is a significant difference between the different amount of phosphate to the effects on the growth of aquatic plants on the following variables: the growth of the aquatic plant after applying the different amount of phosphate and in what kind of ecosystem the aquatic plant grows.
II. Review of Related Literature A phosphate, an inorganic chemical, is a salt of phosphoric acid. In organic chemistry, a phosphate, or organophosphate, is an ester of phosphoric acid.