Why has racism become a big deal still in today's society? Racism is one of the most often thing you still see and hear about. It’s the 21st century but racism is still around. You may have thought that racism shouldn't be around anymore …show more content…
The effects of racism or bad. We will not understand how people think when someone says something about you. It hurts so bad when you get told something because of your skin tone. Just because we look different from the outside it doesn't mean that we don't have the same inside, we are all human. It can destroy a person’s self esteem. A Cornell News Service study the year 2009 they study on the effects of racism saying that racial discrimination erodes mental health. The study finds that black people may have poorer mental health. Others may even try to suicide themselves because of so many insults of their skin tone. Racism has many more effects than what we may think it has on …show more content…
Often people of color are the last hired and the first fired. In February 1995 the unemployment rate for African Americans was 10.1 percent. While the Whites had a percent of 4.7 of unemployment. Also studies have found out that African Americans and Hispanics are discriminated and their houses are often owed by a landlord, financial institutions, and real estate agencies. At schools colored students are punished more harshly and more frequently than white students for the same offenses. Many colored people don't have enough money to get health insurance even though they have the same jobs as whites. Why don’t colored people get the same equal opportunity in the United States if we are all the