
How Does Roosevelt's Use Of Language?

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Language is a power in and of itself; it is a fundamental part of life, and it is the way we express our innermost thoughts. Language can be a force of power, or it can be a force undermining power, it all depends on the way one uses language. Take Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt: both men were impressive orators, but the way in which they used language exerted their power other the people of their nations. Adolf Hitler, using powerful language and persuasion, created an empire of hate and disillusionment. His charismatic character and attention to fear tactics won the favor of millions of Germans and led to their brainwashing. Hitler’s language brewed hate, but President Roosevelt’s created appeasement. Roosevelt used his comforting …show more content…

These slurs lend power to the one using the word, and demoralize and demotivate the person receiving the word. The application of words commonly used centuries ago creates an awkward atmosphere today, because the stigma behind these slurs makes the use of them uncomfortable. One controversy in the literary community is the use of the n-word in Huckleberry Finn, as it can create unnecessary tensions in the classroom. Some students would prefer not using the word, because they “have a problem with it,” and it brings up a history “that nobody wants to relive.” (Source C) As a student, I think that one should not be subject to uncomfortable language in the classroom; but in Huckleberry Finn, the context in which Twain uses the n-word is historical, and his use of it when writing the novel did not have the “preemptive force today that it did.” (Source D) Therefore, the n-word in my opinion, should stay in the novel, as Twain’s use of the word is meant to “educate children” and the censorship of the word is “designed to appease adults” rather than inform American children of the race relations during the nineteenth century (Source

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