As a boy in society billy was expected to live in every day life doing activites that made him tough and built him to become a man, like wrestle, boxing, or play football, as these activies deffined him a young boy to buld his character to become a man.
However billy was interested in persuing another path, which is dancing ballet, but when his father found out that he has been skipping the boxing sessions for ballet he got furious and demanded him to stay at home. This is a senario of patriarchy because patriarchy is a system of male domination and it is not particular that men opresse women, but rather men opressing other men, and that was the case for billy, his father told him that boys shouldn’t do ballet because it was strictly for girls and that there is a fear if billy continued to purse ballet he might turn into a girl. And that society may not accept him as a ballet dancer.
Stereotyp also plays a huge role in society, on how men and women should act and what they are supposed to do and what they shouldn’t strictly based on their gender. In the case of billy there is a negative stereotype against male ballet dancers, his fathers' excpectations for him is to do activites that has to do with shaping his personality as a boy/man, and to later become a coal miner like him when he grows up. Also I think that his father and brother being taugh and loud on him plays a role in the way he behaves.
Women/girls or boys challenging the traditional gender roles, results from oppression