Shakespeare are. From movies to sayings, he is in all of it. Shakespeare’s work however hundreds of years old is viewed every single day… Many movies are based off the same premise as Shakespeare’s plays. Anything from kids movies to all out action movies Shakespeare has his hands in multiple films. The Lion King is really just a child’s version of Hamlet. In The Lion King, Scar kills …show more content…
It is quite obvious that Shakespeare still makes his mark on education, his plays and various other works can be referenced in almost any situation. His works are used from giving assignments to read as well as to be used to dissect and find a deeper meaning. This gives his works much like the Bible, a very relatable and reuseable ability. However, unlike the Bible
Shakespeare’s works are literary merit which in the public school system is a big deal, especially in an AP setting, Shakespeare can get you higher than a three on an essay whereas the Bible can only get you a three due to its lack of being literary merit. Shakespeare has an enormous amount of works to use to keep students and teachers fresh, if one of his plays or sonnetts has been in use by the school system, they can simply rotate it for another one. For an example if a teacher has been teaching Hamlet for five years or so all they have to do is change it for one of his other tragedies,he wrote quite a few after his son Hamnet passed away, it could be switched for Antony and Cleopatra. However they are not exactly the same it will allow the teacher a break from the
Rostollan 5 same thing as well as still challenging students with his complex writing style and his