
How Does Shakespeare Present The Undying Loyalty In Hamlet

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How Does Shakespeare Present The Undying Loyalty In Hamlet
. Characters are often given task that seem unfathomable for one to overcome. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare depicts the struggle of Hamlet a young man who discovers his father was betrayed by his own uncle, and now seeks vengeance at any means. Hamlet finds himself cornered and goes through trials that most would not be able to endure; he even contemplates suicide at times. Shakespeare illustrates the undying loyalty a son has toward his father. Hamlet would have his vengeance however, he would learn, revenge is a bittersweet affair attained at a high price. Hamlet is slowly lapsing into madness as a result of his quest for retribution. “When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed; at gaming, swearing, or …show more content…
“[get] thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” (3.1.131-132) supports my claim because Hamlet was driving Ophelia away because he cared so much about her that he didn’t want her to be involved in what was going to happen. He tells her to go to a nunnery and save herself from the evil of the world. Hamlet is treating her like what seems to be rudely, but he knows he is doing it to protect her. Hamlet loves her so much he has to let her go in order to separate her from the problems soon to come. “What, the fair Ophelia?” (5.1.253) shows Hamlet’s surprise when he finds out Ophelia is dead and is being buried right in front of his eyes. He baffled that all his efforts to save his one true love were all for nothing. Hamlet also states “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum” which shows how deep Hamlet’s love for Ophelia goes. Hamlet has paid dearly on his quest to kill Claudius and now he has lost the love his life which he himself caused. Hamlet’s love toward Ophelia is endless, and he now regrets what he has done and wishes it was all but a

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